David Sherris, M.D.

What to Expect after Brow Lift Surgery: The Recovery Period

Feb 18, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Brow Lift Plastic Surgery

If you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your face due to sagging or wrinkling in the forehead and drooping of the upper eyes, then brow lift surgery may be the ideal solution for you. Brow lift surgery can take years off of a person’s overall appearance while addressing the perpetually angry or weary look that is often associated with a heavy brow. Most patients emerge from brow lift surgery looking refreshed, alert, and rejuvenated, as though they had just returned from the most relaxing vacation of their lives without a care in the world.

The brow lift procedure is particularly effective at reducing the signs of aging when it is performed by a plastic surgeon that focuses on facial plastic surgery. Dr. David A. Sherris is an award-winning, double-board certified facial plastic surgeon who has dedicated his career exclusively to faces. He is a master of the most advanced, minimally invasive facial plastic surgery techniques, which allows him to produce natural-looking, aesthetically pleasing results that are refined, elegant, and sophisticated.

However, brow lift surgery, no matter how well performed, remains a serious surgical procedure and, as such, entails a period of recovery. Dr. Sherris discusses brow lift recovery in detail during consultations at his Buffalo, NY plastic surgery practice so that patients know precisely what to expect before committing to a surgery. The complete success of brow lift surgery depends on patients following his directions diligently during the recovery phase.

Is brow lift surgery right for you? To find out, please schedule your initial consultation with Dr. David A. Sherris at The Clinic of Facial Plastic Surgery today.

What to Expect after Brow Lift Surgery

Recovery from brow lift surgery generally requires between seven and fourteen days. While it is possible that you will be ready to return to work and other everyday activities at the week mark, it is best that you arrange to take ten days to two weeks off work, if possible. This will give your surgical wound sufficient time to heal and allow for the majority of any swelling and bruising you experience to subside.

During the first week after your surgery, you will want to keep your head elevated at all times, even when sleeping, to minimize swelling. While you will want to get plenty of rest during this time, you can also engage in light activity but no exercise or moderate activity.  This will help to promote proper and timely healing, as well as to restore your energy levels.

Dr. Sherris will prescribe a pain reliever for you to use to manage any pain or discomfort you experience after the surgery. Most post-surgical discomfort should be minimal after the first 48 hours. Itching and numbness, however, may persist for several weeks. In general, these side effects subside over time.

By the time you are cleared to return to work, you should be able to conceal any lingering bruising with simple cosmetics. Even after you return to work, you will have to wait at minimum a full two weeks or so before you can engage in any heavy lifting or other strenuous activities.

Learn More about Brow Lift Recovery

To learn more about brow lift recovery, contact Dr. David A. Sherris at The Clinic of Facial Plastic Surgery today.