David Sherris, M.D.

Understanding the Cost of Blepharoplasty

Apr 26, 2023 @ 06:30 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery

Drooping, excess skin that hangs from the eyelids can interfere with vision and age the face. Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, removes excess eyelid skin to create a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance.

When considering eyelid surgery, many patients have questions about the cost. It’s important to understand that the cost of eyelid surgery is affected by several factors that will vary from patient to patient. In order to know your costs, it’s important to speak with a surgeon.

At The Clinic of Facial Plastic Surgery, Dr. David A. Sherris and his team discuss the cost of blepharoplasty with our Buffalo, NY, patients and are available to determine the costs of eyelid surgery for you.

About Blepharoplasty

Excess skin can become a problem as the eyelid skin stretches and loses elasticity with age. Drooping tissue around the eyes can make the eyes look tired, age the face, and sometimes interfere with vision.

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure used to address these problems through the removal of excess skin from the eyelids. It may be performed on the upper eyelids or lower eyelids to address drooping upper eyelids or bags under the eyes.

Eyelid surgery is often considered a cosmetic procedure used to rejuvenate the appearance, but upper eyelids may be deemed medically necessary if performed to remove excess tissue obstructing peripheral vision.

Blepharoplasty Costs Vary

Upper lid blepharoplasty usually costs several thousand dollars, averaging just over $4,000 nationwide, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, but the exact costs vary depending on multiple factors. Some things that can affect the cost of eyelid surgery include:

Is Blepharoplasty Covered by Insurance?

Most health insurance policies don’t cover cosmetic surgery procedures since they are elective and performed for aesthetic reasons. What this means for eyelid surgery is that patients who choose to undergo the procedure just to improve their appearance often won’t receive help from insurance.

However, when drooping upper eyelid skin obstructs vision, blepharoplasty may be considered medically necessary and covered by insurance. Whether blepharoplasty is covered fully or in part depends on the details of each patient’s insurance policy.

Financing Can Help Make Eyelid Surgery Affordable

Financing options can make eyelid surgery affordable for those who don’t receive help from insurance or would simply prefer to spread the cost of surgery out over time.

Our Buffalo practice offers financing through CareCredit®, which breaks the costs of surgery up into more manageable monthly payments. With financing from CareCredit, blepharoplasty is accessible to patients of nearly any budget. Our team is happy to discuss CareCredit or other financing options with you.

Schedule a Consultation

Eyelid surgery can rejuvenate the appearance, make you look more awake, and improve vision obstructed by drooping eyelid tissue. For more information about eyelid surgery or to find out how much blepharoplasty may cost you, please call our Buffalo office at (716) 884-5102 to schedule a consultation.