David Sherris, M.D.

Lower Eyelid Surgery Recovery: What to Expect

Jun 20, 2022 @ 08:23 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Lower Eyelid Surgery Recovery

Under eye circles and bags are a common concern as people age. The area around the eyes tends to show signs of aging earlier than the rest of the face, primarily because the skin is thinner and more delicate. Excess fat and loose tissues beneath the eyes can make someone look older than their actual age.

Lower eyelid surgery smooths and tightens under eye skin to restore a more youthful appearance. Prior to undergoing lower eyelid surgery at his BuffaloNY, facial plastic surgery practice, Dr. David A. Sherris ensures that patients know what to expect during lower eyelid surgery recovery. Here we provide an overview of the typical recovery process.

Lower Eyelid Surgery Side Effects

Just about every surgical procedure causes some degree of side effects. While side effects are not always pleasant, they are a natural part of the recovery process and are usually not a cause for concern. The most common side effects of lower eyelid surgery include:

Promoting Surgical Recovery

The side effects of lower eyelid surgery usually are not severe, but they may still cause some discomfort or irritation. Fortunately, side effects should resolve on their own as incision sites and underlying tissues heal. Side effects are generally most noticeable during the first week of recovery and then begin to improve. As our Buffalo patients recover from lower eyelid surgery there are some steps they can take to manage side effects and promote healing, such as:

How Long Does Lower Eyelid Surgery Recovery Last?

It can take several weeks for our Buffalo patients to fully recover from lower eyelid surgery, and for the final results of surgery to take effect. However, the initial phase of recovery usually only lasts between 10 and 14 days. At this point most surgical side effects should have resolved (with the exception of some minor swelling), and people should feel well enough to return to work and other routine activities. If patients experienced blurry vision following lower eyelid surgery, this should also clear up within a week or two. To minimize the risk of surgical complications, patients should continue to avoid strenuous activities for at least four to six weeks post-surgery.

Contact Us

If bags and under eye circles are making you look tired, worn down, or aged, lower eyelid surgery can restore a more refreshed and youthful appearance. To learn more about this surgical procedure, and whether you are an ideal candidate for treatment, send us a message online, or call (716) 884-5102 and request a consultation with Dr. David A. Sherris.