David Sherris, M.D.

Brow Lift vs. Full Facelift: Which Is Right for You?

Sep 22, 2021 @ 04:02 PM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Facelift

Time catches up with all of us in the end, but if you’re someone who has found the years gaining on you faster than you would like, then a brow lift or a traditional facelift surgery might be a viable option to help you regain your confidence and youthful appearance. 

Dr. David Sherris in Buffalo, NY specializes in facial cosmetic procedures like brow lift and facelift surgery to eliminate wrinkles, loose skin, and sagging, but what procedure is the right investment for your appearance?

3 Factors to Consider

It’s a misconception that a full facelift treats the entire facial region. Facial cosmetic surgeries typically focus on one area of the face. The right procedure depends almost entirely on the cosmetic goals that you hope to reach, as well as where your problem areas are located. Here are some things to think about when choosing a procedure. 

The facets of your appearance you want to refine will largely determine what surgery you should consider. Read on to learn what expectations you should have and what your brow lift or full facelift surgery can accomplish. 

A Closer Look at Full Facelifts

Think of a full facelift and often images of unnaturally frozen celebrities automatically come to mind. The truth is that facelifts only affect the cheeks, jawline, chin, and neck. It’s a popular treatment for patients with vertical lines or excess skin below the jaw (turkey neck). During the procedure, tissue and muscles are tightened as fat is removed or transferred to different regions to adjust the facial contours. The skin is then repositioned over the new contours.

A Closer Look at Brow Lifts 

If you find you see more of your age around your eyes or forehead, or have lower-set eyebrows, then this might be the surgery for you. Brow lifts can eliminate the deep lines and constant “frowny face syndrome” many patients say make them feel less approachable in their everyday lives. Much like a facelift, the surgeon will adjust the muscles, fat, and other tissue to achieve the desired results. 

How Much Time Do You Have to Recover? 

While this is not the most important consideration, it is a realistic concern. Full facelifts generally involve incisions along the hairline beginning at the temples and extending to the back of the ears and lower scalp area. For a brow lift, the surgeon will make an incision from ear to ear across the very top of the forehead. Brow lifts tend to have shorter recovery times (about two weeks), however, facelift patients can usually return to light activity and go back to work after the same amount of time. 

Book Your Consultation Appointment 

Any kind of surgery is a big decision, but facial cosmetic surgery is even more important because it involves your face—the one element of yourself that is completely, utterly, uniquely you. It’s the first thing people see when they meet you and the first thing they think of when you pop into their mind. The only way to reach an informed decision is to visit our office. Call us at (716)-884-5102 or send us a message to have our expert staff assist you with meeting your cosmetic goals.