David Sherris, M.D.

Eyelid Surgery for Men

Jul 8, 2020 @ 01:25 PM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery Eyelid Surgery For Men

Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a common cosmetic procedure that reduces signs of aging around the eyes. Dr. David A. Sherris performs this procedure on men and women alike at our Buffalo, NY, plastic surgery practice. Patients who undergo eyelid surgery can enjoy a fresher, more youthful appearance – and in many cases, improved vision.

Eyelid surgery for men is an extremely popular treatment. In fact, it is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed on male patients. In this article, we will discuss details of the treatment as well as candidacy and benefits.

Benefits of Male Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty offers a number of benefits for male patients. This procedure can help you:

Candidates for Male Eyelid Surgery

To qualify for eyelid surgery, men should have excess skin on the upper lids or sagging skin under their eyes. Oftentimes, excess pockets of fat under the eyes can result in dark circles or bags, which can make individuals appear much older than they really are. Eyelid surgery can address these issues and enhance your overall appearance.

In some cases, blepharoplasty is medically necessary. Sometimes the skin around the upper lids can droop down and impair vision. Upper eyelid surgery is helpful in these instances.

Overall, candidates should not smoke and should be in good general health. They should not have any medical condition that could impede healing or interfere with recovery. During a consultation at our Buffalo, NY, practice, Dr. Sherris can determine if eyelid surgery is right for you.

Upper Eyelid Surgery for Men

If you have excess, sagging skin above your eyes that obscures your vision or gives your face a droopy appearance, upper blepharoplasty may be a solution for you. During this procedure, Dr. Sherris carefully creates an incision in the natural crease of the lid. Next, he removes excess tissue and tightens the remaining skin for a youthful appearance.

Lower Eyelid Surgery for Men

Patients with puffy under-eye circles or bags can benefit from lower blepharoplasty. During this procedure, Dr. Sherris creates an incision just underneath the lower lashes or just inside the lower lid. Next, excess fat deposits and tissue are removed or repositioned and the underlying muscles are tightened.

Results after Male Blepharoplasty

Following eyelid surgery, results will last for several years. Though tissue does not regrow, in the area, the surrounding skin can continue to sag over time. Should this occur, a brow lift can enhance the area and preserve your youthful appearance. There are also nonsurgical treatments available that can achieve similar results.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If sagging or puffy skin around the eyes is affecting your vision or your confidence, consider what eyelid surgery can do for you. To find out more about your options, schedule a consultation at our Buffalo, NY, practice. Call us at (716) 884-5102 or contact us online anytime.