David Sherris, M.D.

Rhinoplasty for a Wide Nose

Apr 20, 2020 @ 08:26 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Rhinoplasty

Do certain features of your nose leave you feeling self-conscious? To address those cosmetic problems, Dr. David Sherris can customize a rhinoplasty procedure that artfully reshapes your nose to be in better harmony with your natural facial features.

One common concern that our Buffalo, NY, patients have is whether rhinoplasty can reshape a wide nose. During your cosmetic consultation, Dr. Sherris, who is a double board-certified plastic surgeon, can discuss how rhinoplasty can narrow the width of your nose.

Can Rhinoplasty Address a Wide Nose?

Rhinoplasty is a complex procedure that can reshape many features of the nose. If you have a wide nose, Dr. Sherris can use surgery to reshape and resize your nose. There are multiple surgical approaches that can address a wide nose.

Wide Nose Rhinoplasty

After you have discussed your personal goals with Dr. Sherris, a procedure known as wide nose rhinoplasty may be customized to help you reach your cosmetic goals. The width of your nose is determined by bone and cartilage. Using minimally invasive techniques, Dr. Sherris can change the structure of the bone and cartilage by breaking bone and connective tissue into smaller parts and repositioning or removing those parts.

This treatment may include an osteotomy, which involves breaking the upper nasal bone to narrow the nasal bridge.


Individuals with a wide nose often have a bulbous tip. The tips of a nose fall into four categories: normal, bulbous (large), sharp, and boxy. A tiplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed during your wide nose rhinoplasty. The surgical procedure reduces the size of the nostrils to bring that area of the nose into better symmetry with the rest of your face.

Open or Closed Rhinoplasty: Which Is Right for Me?

Your wide nose rhinoplasty may be performed using one of two techniques: open or closed rhinoplasty. Open rhinoplasty requires an incision between the nostrils (usually near the lip). A closed rhinoplasty is performed using incisions that are made inside the nostril.

Closed rhinoplasty is preferable when only minor restructuring is needed. One benefit of closed rhinoplasty is the absence of visible scars. The surgical technique limits the amount of changes that can be made, meaning that not every patient will be a candidate for this surgical technique.

If your rhinoplasty requires more significant alterations to your nose, you may benefit from open rhinoplasty. By making a small incision between the nostrils, Dr. Sherris can gain greater access to your nasal structures.

Although some of our Buffalo patients have concerns over scarring, the procedure leaves little visible scarring because the incision will be hidden at the base of the nasal septum.

Enjoy the Benefits of a Narrower Nose

A misshapen nose can affect your facial symmetry. If you are looking to add harmony to your facial features, Dr. Sherris can reshape your nose using minimally invasive techniques that leave little or no visible scars. To learn more about wide nose rhinoplasty, please contact our office online or call (716) 884-5102.