David Sherris, M.D.

Does Lower Eyelid Surgery Remove Wrinkles?

Jan 23, 2020 @ 08:57 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery

The eyes are commonly the first area of the face to show signs of aging. The skin around the eyes is thin and delicate, so it easily loses elasticity as a person ages. Typical signs of aging around the eyes include wrinkles, loose skin, creases, and deposits of fat.

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery can reposition your natural fat pad or eliminate excess fat and tissue to smooth the skin around the eyes. Lower eyelid surgery addresses many unwanted signs of aging around the eyes, but not all. Here, plastic surgeon David A. Sherris helps our Buffalo, NY, patients understand whether lower eyelid surgery removes wrinkles.

Cosmetic Blemishes Treated by Lower Eyelid Surgery

During lower eyelid surgery, Dr. Sherris creates an incision that grants him access to the tissues and muscles beneath the eye. The incision is usually placed on either the inside of the lower eyelid, or along the lower lash line, each of which makes any resulting scar easy to conceal.

Through the surgical incision, Dr. Sherris repostions the natural fat pad or removes fatty deposits and loose skin from beneath the lower eyelid. Remaining skin is lifted and re-draped before the incision is closed. Lower eyelid surgery tightens and smooths the skin beneath the lower eyelid to treat a number of cosmetic blemishes, including:

Lower Eyelid Surgery and Wrinkles

Because the skin around the eyes is so delicate, wrinkles are a common concern. Many of our Buffalo patients are eager to learn if lower eyelid surgery is effective at treating eye wrinkles. Lower eyelid surgery can treat some eye wrinkles, but it is important to understand that its effectiveness is limited.

When excess fat and tissues are removed, the skin beneath the eyes appears smoother and tighter. This does eliminate wrinkles and creases that may have formed as a result of loose skin or undereye bags, but it will not treat other common eye wrinkles.

Eye wrinkles that are a concern for our patients include crow’s feet (the series of wrinkles that form at the corners of the eyes) and vertical wrinkles between the eyes. Neither of these types of wrinkles can be effectively treated with either upper or lower eyelid surgery as these are expression wrinkles cause by our natural movements and not aging.

Cosmetic Treatments for Wrinkles

Although lower eyelid surgery does not treat all types of eye wrinkles, there are other cosmetic procedures that can reduce signs of wrinkles and creases to provide our Buffalo patients with a more alert and youthful appearance.

Cosmetic treatments may be performed alone to address eye wrinkles, but they may also be performed in conjunction with lower eyelid surgery to enhance the results of treatment. Depending on the type and severity of eye wrinkles that need to be addressed, Dr. Sherris may recommend:

Contact Us

If wrinkles, creases, loose skin, or under-eye bags are making you look aged or worn down, it may be time to consider cosmetic treatment. To learn more about the comprehensive range of cosmetic services offered by Dr. David A. Sherris, call (716) 884-5102 and schedule a personal consultation at your earliest convenience.