David Sherris, M.D.

Reduced Scarring Brow Lift: Discreet Facial Rejuvenation Surgery

Feb 15, 2018 @ 04:55 PM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Brow Lift Facial Plastic Surgery

Lines and wrinkles on the forehead can have a negative impact on your appearance. You may look worried, tired, or upset even if you’re doing just fine. That’s why our Buffalo, NY plastic surgery center offers the brow lift, a procedure designed specifically to smooth out forehead lines and tighten the skin around the upper portion of the face.

Thanks to advances in surgical techniques and technology, a form of brow lift is now available that reduces visible scarring. This is known as the endoscopic brow lift. Let’s explore it in more detail below.

What Is Endoscopic Surgery?

An endoscope is a small, flexible tubelike instrument that is inserted into the small incisions. This allows surgeons to get a look at structures of the body without the need for open surgery. With the aid of an endoscope, a surgeon can insert small tools through the same tiny incisions or adjacent incisions.

In essence, the endoscopic surgical procedure means a full surgery without making any major incisions.

How Does Endoscopic Brow Lift Work?

With an endoscopic brow lift, a surgeon makes a series of small incisions behind the patient’s hairline. Through these incisions, a surgeon can adjust underlying structures of the brow, remove excess skin, tighten the forehead skin, and enhance the patient’s appearance.

Where Are the Scars Located in Endoscopic Brow Lift?

While surgeries can vary, there are usually about five small incision sites: one at the left temple, one at the right temple, and three incisions evenly distributed along the forehead (left, right, center). All of the necessary adjustments can be made through these incisions alone.

Each of these incisions is carefully concealed behind the patient's hairline. This allows any surgical scarring to be easily hidden and quite small, all things considered.

Endoscopic Brow Lift vs. Other Techniques

Compared to other brow lift techniques, endoscopic brow lift surgery is much less invasive.

More and more patients and plastic surgeons lean toward the endoscopic brow lift today because of the notable advantages of endoscopic surgery.

What to Expect During an Endoscopic Brow Lift

General anesthesia will be used during an endoscopic brow lift. Which the surgery is much less invasive than coronal brow lift surgery, general anesthetic will help patients feel relaxed during the procedure and prevent any sensations of pain and discomfort.

Working through the incisions noted above, surgeons will carefully make the necessary adjustments to the forehead and brow region. The incisions will be sutured shut, tightening the forehead skin to reduce lines, wrinkles, and drooping.

Is Endoscopic Brow Lift Right for Me?

The best way to find out if brow lift surgery is right for you is to come by the practice for a consultation. We will be sure to answer all of your questions and address your concerns during your visit, and help create a treatment plan that meets your aesthetic needs and goals.

Learn More About Brow Lift Surgery

To learn more about bros lift surgery and how it can benefit you, be sure to contact our cosmetic plastic surgery practice today. We look forward to your visit and discussing these matters in much greater detail.