David Sherris, M.D.

Can a Face Lift Help Acne Scars?

Nov 16, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Face Lift Plastic Surgery

At the Clinic of Facial Plastic Surgery, Dr. David A. Sherris performs face lift surgery to reduce the signs of aging by smoothing and tightening the skin. While face lift surgery is most often associated with addressing the signs of aging, some patients with significant acne scars wonder if the smoothing and tightening effects of facelift surgery can diminish the appearance of their scars.

Is it possible to treat acne scars with face lift surgery? Find out was we discuss face lift and acne scars treatment in this blog post from our plastic surgery clinic in Buffalo, NY.

Can Flattening and Tightening the Skin Help Acne Scars?

Face lifts help rejuvenate the appearance by flattening and tightening the skin, helping to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and creases within the skin. Many people with significant acne scars have noticed that stretching the skin with their fingers smooths away the scars, causing them to wonder if a face lift would do the same.

Face lift surgery does help to flatten and smooth the skin and it can improve acne scars. The intent of face lift surgery is to create a natural looking tautness. Mild acne scars can be improved with facelfit surgery. With very deep acne pitted scars the scars tend to be tethered or scarred down on the skin and can't be streched or smoothed out with facelift surgery.

Can Removing Excess Skin Help Acne Scars?

During face lift surgery, excess skin is physically removed from the face. For some people, the physical removal of skin may help completely eliminate some acne scarring. The excess skin is removed along the edges of the face to help hide incisions and subsequent scarring. For those who have significant acne scars in other areas of the face, face lift surgery may also help. 

How Can a Face Lift Improve Your Appearance?

Although a face lift won't eliminate all acne scars, it can improve them and enhance the face in many other ways. Face lift surgery reduces the signs of facial aging, like fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Those who are unhappy with prominent jowls or loose skin on the neck may also benefit from face lift surgery.

Non-surgical Treatments to Minimize the Appearance of Acne Scars

Now that we've considered the limitations of face lift surgery in treating acne scars, we would like to note that there are many non-surgical treatments that may be used to improve the skin and minimize the appearance of acne scars. These treatments may be combined with face lift surgery to completely rejuvenate the appearance and improve skin texture or may be used alone.  Some non-surgical treatment options that can help diminish the appearance of acne scars include such treatments as dermal fillers, chemical peels, and dermabrasion.

Discover Your Treatment Options

Acne scars can be a painful reminder of a difficult time during the teen years and early adulthood. Both men and women with mild to severe acne scarring can see improvement with their skin's texture and appearance through treatment from Dr. Sherris. To learn more about which treatment options to reduce the appearance of acne scars is right for you, we welcome you to schedule a consultation.