Improve Your Vision and Rejuvenate Your Appearance
In severe cases, drooping eyelids can actually inhibit vision. With eyelid surgery, offered at our Buffalo practice, the Clinic of Facial Plastic Surgery, we can remove sagging skin and fat tissue and re-drape the eyelid so that it not only improves vision, but provides a more youthful appearance as well. If your periphery is obstructed by sagging eyelids or upward vision is limited, we encourage you to seek help. Our practice is helmed by the esteemed Dr. David Sherris, and we dedicate our time and energy to our patients' needs; you can rest assured that you will receive superb care throughout your treatment. To schedule a consultation or to learn more about eyelid surgery for improved vision, contact our Buffalo cosmetic surgery practice today.
Eyelid Surgery for Improved Vision
To help individuals with excessively drooping eyelids, we employ techniques similar to those used in traditional upper eyelid surgery, but with a foremost focus on improving the patient's vision. Skin and fat tissue that hangs below the upper line of the patient's eye, thus blocking the sight line forwards, upwards, or to the side, is removed and the remaining skin is re-draped so that the eyelid appears more defined. To ensure that any resultant scarring is inconspicuous and hidden from view, the incisions for this procedure are typically made in the upper crease of the eyelid. As with traditional eyelid surgery, the procedure can be performed under local anesthetic with the aid of a sedative in most cases.
Risks and Benefits
The benefits of eyelid surgery are plainly evident: improved vision, a healthier, more youthful appearance, and greater self-confidence are just some of the benefits that you can expect. If sagging eyelids inhibit your vision and make you look older than you actually are, eyelid surgery can provide the solution you are seeking for a better, more comfortable, more rewarding life.
If you are considering eyelid surgery for improved vision, you should first be aware of the risks. We can discuss the risks in more detail during your personal consultation, but risks can include infection, scarring, bruising, swelling, bleeding, and adverse reaction to anesthesia.
Learn More about Eyelid Surgery Options - Contact Us
Please feel free to contact Clinic of Facial Plastic Surgery today if you would like to schedule a personal, one-on-one consultation with Dr. Sherris regarding eyelid surgery. At our Buffalo practice, we specialize in facial cosmetic surgery and can provide you with the highest standard of care.