David Sherris, M.D.

Non-surgical and Surgical Treatments for Frown Lines

Jan 18, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Botox Plastic Surgery

Frown lines are among those signs of aging on the face that can make a person look not only older than he or she actually is, but also perpetually weary, perplexed, or angry. As a specialist in facial plastic surgery, Dr. David A. Sherris is able to dramatically reduce the appearance of these troublesome lines on the brow and between the eyes, rejuvenating the faces of his patients while allowing them to look less tired, more alert and years younger. He offers a comprehensive range of both non-surgical and surgical treatment options for frown lines at his Buffalo, NY practice, The Clinic of Facial Plastic Surgery. Whatever your unique needs and goals, you can depend on Dr. Sherris to provide you with a customized treatment plan that will enable you to achieve the appearance you desire.

Are you ready to rid yourself of those frown lines once and for all? We encourage you to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Sherris today.

BOTOX® Cosmetic

BOTOX® Cosmetic is an injectable treatment that targets the muscles responsible for moderate to severe wrinkles and folds such as frown lines. It essentially paralyzes those muscles, preventing them from contracting and thereby causing the skin to appear smooth and youthful. BOTOX® injections accomplish this without affecting the healthy tissues responsible for facial expressions and essential movements. The results of BOTOX® therapy last between three and six months, at which point treatment can safely be repeated.

BOTOX® injections should not be confused with facial fillers, which operate according to an entirely different principle and are generally more effective in treating wrinkles and fine lines in the lower two-thirds of the face.

Brow Lift

For those patients in search of a more permanent solution to frown lines, brow lift - also known as forehead lift - offers a potentially ideal solution. Unlike a full face lift, brow lift targets only the upper third of the face, where frown lines form. During the procedure, Dr. Sherris elevates and re-positions the brow to where it used to be. This reduces the appearance of deep lines and creates smoother skin. Elevating the brow also improves crow's feet and makes the upper eyelid look more defined and accentuated. Patient's look years younger and less tired.

Learn More about Treatment Options for Frown Lines

If you are interested in learning more about non-surgical and surgical treatment options for frown lines, please contact The Clinic of Facial Plastic Surgery today.