David Sherris, M.D.

Correct Surgical Imperfections with Eyelid Surgery Revision

Mar 17, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery Plastic Surgery

The skin of the face, and especially the skin around the eyes, is vulnerable to drooping and sagging as a patient ages and the skin loses its firmness and elasticity. This looseness of skin can create droopy, heavy upper eyelids, bags of skin beneath the eyes, and/or creases and wrinkles around the eye area. All of these features end up making a patient look aged, tired, and even angry or sad. Eyelid surgery eliminates excess skin and tissue to smooth the eye area and give patients back a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Unfortunately, patients do not always get the results they desire from eyelid surgery. In rare cases, complications may occur or an inexperienced surgeon fails to deliver good results. These patients can get the results they are looking for from Dr. David Sherris, a skilled and talented facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Sherris offers his Buffalo patients eyelid surgery revision so that they can enhance their appearance and correct the imperfections of a previous eyelid procedure.

When Is Revision Necessary?

While eyelid revision surgery is an option for patients who have received unsatisfactory results from an eyelid procedure, it is important not to undergo revision surgery too quickly. In many cases, the imperfections that a patient notices after eyelid surgery will end up resolving on their own within three to six months after surgery. However, there are rare cases when a patient is truly dissatisfied with surgical results even after the eyes have had plenty of time to heal. In most cases, this dissatisfaction is because the eyes were under corrected. For these patients, revision surgery is a good option to consider. However, patients should understand that eyelid revision surgery is an advanced procedure that requires the precise and skilled alteration of a surgeon such as Dr. Sherris.

Revision Techniques

Dr. Sherris will customize each revision surgery to the specific needs of the patient. Below are some imperfections that are commonly corrected during eyelid revision surgery:

In all cases of eyelid surgery revision, Dr. Sherris will do his best to correct imperfections and help patients achieve the results they desired from their original procedure.

Schedule an Appointment

Eyelid surgery can open the eye area and give patients a more youthful and refreshed appearance. If you are concerned with signs of aging around the eyes and would like to learn more about this procedure, schedule an appointment with Dr. David Sherris at your earliest convenience. We look forward to hearing from you!