David Sherris, M.D.

The Results of Eyelid Surgery

Oct 21, 2014 @ 07:01 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery Plastic Surgery

Eyelid surgery, clinically known as blepharoplasty, can be one of the most transformative procedures in all of plastic surgery. Just as heavy, sagging upper eyelids or pronounced bags under the eyes can make patients look a decade or more older than they actually are, treating these aesthetic problems can take a decade or more off of a patient’s appearance. In fact, some patients can achieve such dramatic rejuvenation through eyelid surgery that it may appear that they have undergone a facelift or other more invasive procedure, even though they haven’t.

Of course, a patient’s satisfaction with his or her procedure is usually directly related to how realistic his or her expectations were heading into that procedure. It is for this reason that Dr. David A. Sherris is very careful to explain procedures to his patients in open and honest detail during confidential consultations at his office. He takes the time to address patients’ questions and concerns, helping them to understand their options and what can and cannot be achieved through plastic surgery. While eyelid surgery can certainly produce remarkable results, it cannot return patients who are in their fifties, for example, to their twenties. It may, however, help them look dramatically younger and more vital.

During consultations between Dr. Sherris and his patients at his office in Buffalo, eyelid surgery results are discussed so that patients know what they can realistically expect before they commit to surgery. He also explains what they can do during their recovery periods to help ensure the best possible results. The more realistic patients’ expectations, and the more closely they adhere to their post-operative instructions, the more likely they are to be extremely satisfied with their results.

Post-surgical Recovery

Because Dr. Sherris uses minimally invasive techniques to perform both lower eyelid surgery and upper eyelid surgery, the recovery period associated with either procedure is relatively brief. During the first two weeks after surgery, some swelling and bruising are to be expected. Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activity, keep their heads elevated, and apply cold compresses to their eyelids as directed during this initial stage of healing. By the end of the second week after surgery, most of the swelling and bruising will have subsided in most patients, especially among those who followed their post-surgical instructions closely. For patients with more complex cases full recovery may require an additional week or two.

As the swelling decreases, the results of surgery will begin to reveal themselves. During the final days of recovery, any faint remnants of bruising can usually be easily concealed with make-up.

Full Results of Eyelid Surgery

After the eyelids have fully healed, patients generally emerge looking years younger. Patients who undergo upper eyelid surgery for functional purposes will enjoy the additional benefit of improved vision, while all patients should look considerably more refreshed and alert. The results of eyelid surgery can last for up to a decade and, in some cases, even longer. If excess fat again accumulates in the eyelids over time, secondary surgery can usually be performed safely and effectively.

Learn More about Eyelid Surgery Results

To learn more about eyelid surgery results, please contact the plastic surgery practice of David A. Sherris, MD today.