David Sherris, M.D.

Fixing Obscured Vision via Eyelid Surgery

May 19, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery Plastic Surgery

Advancing age can leave a variety of changes on the body, especially in the face. Typically, these changes involve loss of skin elasticity and the accumulation of fat deposits. This leads to sagging in certain areas of the face, such as the jowls, cheeks, and eyelids. Although these effects are predominantly cosmetic, sagging of the upper eyelid can also obscure one’s vision. This condition is commonly referred to as hooding, and it can be effectively corrected through eyelid surgery.

With upper eyelid surgery, extra skin, muscle, and fat can be removed from the eyelid and remaining tissues redefined. While no surgery can completely stop the effects of aging, this procedure allows patients to improve both their appearance and vision for years. Use the following information, provided by our Buffalo facial plastic surgery clinic, to learn more about upper eyelid surgery.  

What Causes Upper Eyelid Hooding?

Some patients may have naturally droopy eyes, which is not a reflection of their health or age. However, age does tend to play a factor in the heaviness of anyone’s eyelids, as the tissues change in structure over time. Muscles weaken, skin loosens, and fat builds up, resulting in an upper eyelid that seems to droop. Mild hooding may only cause the eye to appear puffy and poorly defined, but as the skin continues to sag downward, it may partially cover the eye. At this point, surgery is the most direct and effective way to regain a full range of vision.

Candidates for Upper Eyelid Surgery

If you are suffering from obscured vision due to upper eyelid hooding, you are likely a good candidate for surgery. However, patients must also meet certain criteria before undergoing treatment, including:

What to Expect During Surgery

Eyelid surgery is performed under local anesthesia and sedation or under general anesthesia. The entire procedure usually takes around one hour, after which time patients are free to go home and rest. During surgery, the following steps will be taken:

While eyelid surgery is effective on its own, some patients opt to combine the procedure with another facial surgery technique, such as a brow lift. By consulting Dr. Sherris beforehand, you can learn which treatment options can best meet your cosmetic goals.

Schedule Your Consultation with Us

Upper eyelid hooding is a common problem that has a strong impact on a person’s appearance. By lifting and tightening your eyelid, we can help you achieve a younger and more alert expression, in addition to correcting any obstructed vision. Contact our office and schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Sherris to learn more.