David Sherris, M.D.

Get Effective Results from an Endoscopic Mid Facelift

Apr 14, 2014 @ 08:46 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Facelift Plastic Surgery

When facial features begin to droop and lose vitality, a facelift is often the first cosmetic procedure to be considered. While a facelift is extremely effective in lifting and tightening the lower portion of the face, it may not be the best cosmetic treatment for patientsseeking to improve their mid-face or cheek area. Plastic surgeon David Sherris specializes in facial plastic surgery and is able to accurately recommend the cosmetic procedure that will best help each of his patients address their specific needs. In many cases, patients who come to us seeking a traditional facelift are actually better suited to a mid facelift. Using the endoscopic technique, the mid facelift corrects signs of aging that are present on the middle of the face, including the cheeks, the areas around the nose and beneath the eyes.

The Procedure

The mid facelift is performed using an endoscopic technique. This technique uses a tiny surgical camera to give Dr. Sherris a full view of the inner facial muscles and tissues. This view allows Dr. Sherris to make extremely precise alterations to these muscles in order to effectively correct facial flaws that are present on the middle areas of the face. The procedure will begin with the creation of surgical incisions. Dr. Sherris will create a series of tiny incisions at the temples, behind the hairline. These are very small incisions, which allow for the insertion of the endoscopic camera and surgical instruments. With the camera and instruments in place, Dr. Sherris will make the necessary alterations. Typically, the fat pads of the cheeks will be lifted and other soft tissues and muscles will be shifted and altered in order to create a more youthful and refreshed facial appearance. Once the necessary alterations have been made, the incisions will be sutured closed and recovery will begin.


Throughout the recovery period, as swelling subsides, patients will begin to notice the results of the mid facelift procedure. Once healing is complete and the final results of surgery are apparent, patients will notice lifted and fuller cheek bones, and smoother skin around the nose and beneath the eyes. Mid facelift surgery can soften or erase the creases of the nasolabial folds (the lines between the nose and mouth) and improve laxity on the skin beneath the eyes. The overall result is a face that appears more youthful and refreshed while maintaining the patient’s natural beauty.

Benefits of the Endoscopic Technique

The aesthetic results of surgery are an obvious benefit of the mid facelift. However, patients will experience additional benefits that are unique to the endoscopic technique. One of the greatest advantages offered by this technique is the superior surgical control and precision that it allows to Dr. Sherris. Because of the small and precise incisions that are utilized in the endoscopic technique, this procedure also offers patients the advantage of less bleeding and bruising, a quicker recovery period, and smaller scars. Considering the aesthetic and surgical benefits of an endoscopic mid facelift, it is an excellent option for those patients who are ideal candidates for the procedure.

Schedule an Appointment

An endoscopic mid facelift is an extremely precise method for safely altering the facial features in order to create a more youthful appearance. To learn more about this procedure and whether it is right for you, schedule an appointment with Dr. David Sherris at your earliest convenience. We look forward to meeting you!