David Sherris, M.D.

What Is a Mini Facelift?

Nov 13, 2013 @ 11:28 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Facelift Plastic Surgery

Have you just started to notice the first signs of aging on your face, such as mild drooping or sagging? Many people start to see the effects of aging in their 30s and 40s, making them look older than they feel. For some, non-surgical skin treatments can reduce the signs of aging and give the skin a smooth, healthy glow. For others, though, a facelift is the ultimate option for rejuvenating the face and neck.

For patients who want to revitalize their face but don't want to undergo a traditional facelift, a less-invasive version of this surgery can go a long way toward reversing the signs of aging. Depending on your needs, we offer several different kinds of face lift procedures at our Buffalo plastic surgery center, including the mini face lift.

What Is a Mini Facelift?

Also known as a Q lift ,J lift or posterior lift, a mini facelift is appropriate for younger patients who are just beginning to show a loss of skin elasticity in the face and neck. Depending on the area of the face and neck to be addressed a mini facelift can be tailored to the individual patients needs . This alternative to a traditional facelift uses smaller incisions to provide a firmer, more youthful appearance with faster healing time and less downtime.The result looks incredibly subtle and natural and can take years off your age.

Am I A Good Candidate?

The mini facelift is designed for patients who want to treat only a few areas of their face, usually around the lower cheeks, along the jaw line and neck. You should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the procedure. Candidates usually seek this procedure to improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck, such as:

Those who have more advanced signs of aging, such as deep creases or heavy jowls, may require a traditional facelift for a complete transformation of the face and neck. During your consultation, we will determine which face lift procedure is most appropriate for your needs and goals.

What Is Involved in the Procedure?

The mini facelift is less invasive than other facelift surgeries and takes less time to perform and recover from. Typically, the procedure involves making an incision around the front and back of the ear depending on which area is being addressed and which mini facelift is being performed. During the procedure, the underlying tissue layer beneath the skin will be tightened as well as the skin, which provides a more natural-looking, longer-lasting result.

For a more complete but still less-invasive facial renewal, liposuction of the neck or augmentation of the nasolabial folds can be combined with the mini facelift.

Learn More about the Mini Facelift

The Clinic of Facial Plastic Surgery specializes in facial cosmetic surgery. With our expertise in facial rejuvenation, we can address your concerns and achieve your cosmetic goals. If you are considering a mini facelift for a more youthful appearance, we invite you to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Sherris.