David Sherris, M.D.

Eyelid Surgery Recovery

Oct 24, 2013 @ 09:58 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery Plastic Surgery

At his practice, the Clinic of Facial Plastic Surgery, plastic surgeon David A. Sherris customizes treatment to each individual patient’s needs and goals. By tailoring treatment to the unique needs of the patient, Dr. Sherris helps to ensure that his patients in Buffalo experience an easier and faster eyelid surgery recovery period. The most effective way a patient can ensure an easier and faster eyelid surgery recovery is by diligently following all pre-surgical and post-surgical instructions.

What to Expect During the Eyelid Surgery Recovery Phase

Patients should expect to experience some degree of swelling and bruising after undergoing eyelid surgery, especially during the first two days following the procedure. To help minimize swelling and bruising during the first few days after surgery, patients may apply cold compresses to the eye area. It may take a few weeks for the swelling and any bruising to disappear completely following surgery.

Aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, among other similar medications should be avoided for two weeks after surgery. These medications may increase the risk of bleeding during surgery and cause increased bruising. Mild pain and discomfort can be controlled with the appropriate prescription pain medications.

Patients should get plenty of rest during the first week following surgery. When sleeping, it is important that the patient keeps his or her head elevated at all times. For the first week after surgery, patients should try and spend most of their time resting or with limited activity.  Strenuous activities and exercise should be avoided for at least two weeks after surgery, but patients may return to their normal daily activities within a week or two following surgery.

Patients are allowed to shower and to get the treated area wet after a few days post surgery, but should be careful to avoid aggressive rubbing or cleansing of the area. During the first couple of days following surgery patients should also be careful when standing or walking. The lingering effects of anesthesia and of any prescription pain medication can make a patient unsteady on his or her feet or tired.

Mild blurry vision is common immediately following surgery. It may continue for a few days after surgery and will subside as your eyelid heals and swelling subsides. Blurry vision may interfere with a patient’s ability to read or work on the computer. Patients may also experience dry eye and excessive tearing and should avoid excessive reading or computer work as it will increase eye irritation. Eye drops may be recommended to help alleviate these symptoms. Some patients may also experience sensitivity to light, which may improve by wearing sunglasses.

The amount of time that the eyelid surgery recovery phase lasts may differ from patient to patient. Many patients will feel ready and able to return to normal day-to-day activities within seven days after eyelid surgery. A small number of patients may require more downtime after surgery. Stitches are usually removed within five to seven days after surgery. Make-up may be used to cover up the incision line and bruising after stitches have been removed. While most patients will see improvement within the first week following eyelid surgery, it may take up to a couple months before the full results are seen.

Learn More about Eyelid Surgery Recovery

Wrinkles around the eyes, hanging skin, and puffiness can be addressed through eyelid surgery. Eyelid surgery is an excellent solution for many patients experiencing bothersome, aesthetically displeasing eyelid conditions. Men and women desiring to appear more youthful, well rested, and refreshed may benefit from eyelid surgery. To learn more about what to expect during the eyelid surgery recovery phase, please contact the Clinic of Facial Plastic Surgery today.