David Sherris, M.D.

What to Expect after Rhinoplasty

Jul 8, 2013 @ 11:55 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery

Every plastic surgery procedure requires a period of recovery, during which patients must carefully follow the post-operative instructions provided by their surgeons to ensure the best results possible. Rhinoplasty is no exception. When performed by a plastic surgeon with the experience and skill of Dr. David Sherris, rhinoplasty results of the highest standard are possible; however, these results depend largely on proper healing, for which patients share much of the responsibility.

For patients of Dr. Sherris’ plastic surgery practice in Buffalo, rhinoplasty recovery is explained in detail both before and after the procedure. Because Dr. Sherris has performed well over 3,000 rhinoplasty procedures, he has honed his skills and techniques to the point that patients can expect the most comfortable recovery possible. He helps them to understand what to expect after surgery and what is required of them as active participants in their healthy healing.

If you are interested in learning more about rhinoplasty or what recovery from the surgery entails, please contact plastic surgeon David Sherris today.

What to Expect during Rhinoplasty Recovery

In most cases, Dr. Sherris’ rhinoplasty patients do not require nasal packing post-surgery; a cast and soft rubber splints are usually sufficient to ensure that the nose retains its new shape during the week after surgery. After seven days, the cast and splints are removed. During this time, it is important that you take prescribed antibiotics and other medications as directed and limit physical activity.

Post-operative swelling generally subsides within three weeks. Over the course of your healing period, you will attend follow-up appointments with Dr. Sherris, who will closely monitor your progress.

During the first six weeks of your rhinoplasty recovery, it is important that you do not wear eyeglasses or sunglasses. If you rely on glasses to see clearly, Dr. Sherris will provide you with a splint to protect your nose from the constant pressure of the glasses.

Other things that you should avoid in the first few weeks after surgery include:

You can help to promote healing during your rhinoplasty recovery by:

While the majority of your healing will take place during the first few weeks after your rhinoplasty, the full results of your procedure will take up to a year to reveal themselves. While you will be able to return to most of your normal activities within just a couple of weeks, you should take care to avoid any activity that could interfere with your results during this year. Be sure to attend all of your scheduled follow-up visits with Dr. Sherris to make sure that your rhinoplasty recovery is proceeding according to plan.

Learn More about Rhinoplasty Recovery

To learn more about rhinoplasty recovery or to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. David Sherris, please call or email our plastic surgery practice today. We are always glad to welcome new patients to our practice!