David Sherris, M.D.

Chin Augmentation Candidates

Jul 9, 2012 @ 09:19 AM — by dsherris
Tagged with: Chin Augmentation Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery

A recessed chin can make the face look unbalanced. With chin augmentation, you can improve your appearance and bring balance to your face by changing the size and shape of your chin. Chin augmentation can give you a stronger jaw line, give your chin more definition, and bring it into proportion with surrounding features. We welcome patients to schedule a consultation with Buffalo plastic surgeon David A. Sherris. In this blog post, Dr. Sherris explains what happens during the chin augmentation procedure and how it can transform your appearance.

What Is Chin Augmentation?

Chin augmentation is a procedure designed to balance facial features by strengthening the look of the chin. Chin implants are used to change both the shape and size of the chin. There are different types of implants, the two most common being saline and GORE-TEX chin implants. Both types come in a range of sizes and shapes so the procedure can be tailored to your unique needs and produce your desired look. Whether you want a masculine, squared jaw line, or a defined, feminine chin, Dr. Sherris can choose the implant and surgical technique the will best suit your cosmetic goals.

How Is the Chin Augmentation Procedure Performed?

The chin augmentation procedure is performed by creating a small incision along the chin, or inside the lower lip, in front of the gum. Next the implant is inserted through the incision and set into place in the front portion of the jaw bone, where your natural chin is. Once the implant is positioned properly, the incision is closed. The chin augmentation procedure takes about thirty minutes to an hour to perform.

Chin Augmentation Recovery

During recovery from chin augmentation surgery, patients may experience some pain, bruising, and swelling on the chin. These side effects can be managed with pain medication and the use of ice packs. Many patients choose to take a couple of days to a full week off of work while they wait for the swelling and bruising to subside and the sutures to me removed or dissolve.

What Are the Benefits of the Chin Augmentation Procedure?

A chin augmentation can give your face balance. A defined chin has the power to give you confidence and increased self-esteem. Chin augmentations are becoming one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures among both men and women. Here is a list of benefits to consider when deciding if chin augmentation is right for you:

Is Chin Augmentation Right for Me?

Like with all plastic surgery, it is important that you are in good physical health, not smoke, and have realistic expectations to be considered a good candidate chin augmentation surgery. Consult your surgeon to determine if chin augmentation is right for you.

Schedule a Consultation at Clinic of Facial Plastic Surgery.

If you wish to undergo chin augmentation to balance your facial features, you may also want to consider rhinoplasty. Our Buffalo rhinoplasty patients can undergo both procedures at one time. Schedule a consultation with us and our friendly, knowledgeable staff will be there for you every step of the way to your transformation.